gynecology treatment & care

Routine gynecological care is essential to maintaining women’s health. Yearly examinations provide preventive care, and helps identify health risks such as breast cancer, cervical cancer and STDs while they are still treatable.

Above and beyond routine care, gynecology appointments also provide birth control information, menopause management, address incontinence and bladder concerns, STD screening and much more.

At SRB ObGyn we have more than 75 years OBGYN experience collectively. For the convenience of our patients, we perform many common procedures in the comfort of our office.

Learn more about our services below:

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+ Ablation

Ablation is a procedure used to stop heavy bleeding. Many women begin to experience heavy and/or irregular bleeding in their 30s and 40s, as they begin to get closer to menopause. Heavy periods are more than just an annoyance – they take a physical, social, and emotional toll as well. Fortunately, 90 to 95 percent of women can be helped by having an in-office procedure. The procedure performed typically takes from five to 15 minutes.

Prior to ablation, we typically perform a hysteroscopy and a dilation and curettage (D&C). We use a variety of leading devices, such as Novasure and Gynecare Thermachoice to perform the procedure.

+ Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding or, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB), is something most women will experience during their lives. However, for some women, AUB is a monthly occurrence that disrupts their daily routines and falls in the category of “abnormal.” For menstrual bleeding to qualify as “heavy”, patients will find that they often experience periods that last longer than seven days, large blood clots in their flow, a need for heavier/double protection, and symptoms associated with anemia. A patient who is familiar with these issues on a monthly basis will have options at SRB ObGyn for care and treatment, such as,hormone therapy, hysterectomy or endometrial ablation.

These treatments vary in approach and level of invasiveness. Our providers will take the appropriate time discussing options with patients depending on the severity of their heavy menstrual bleeding. This typically includes underlying health issues, and if the patient intends for a pregnancy in their future.

+ Adolescent Gynecology

Throughout childhood, bodies change and grow. And as a parent, no one knows what your child is experiencing better than you. But when you need extra guidance and support, the gynecological team at SRB ObGyn is here for all your questions, concerns or simply to chat.

From common to complex pediatric gynecology needs, our gynecologists work with you and your child to provide education, treatment and the full spectrum of gynecologic services.

+ Annual Exams

Routine gynecological care is essential to maintaining women’s health. Yearly examinations provide preventive care, and helps identify health risks such as breast cancer, cervical cancer and STDs while they are still treatable.

+ Birth Control Options

We can help you find birth control options to fit your lifestyle. Talk to us about available birth control options such as birth control pills, IUD, and others.

When you know your family is complete, you may be ready to consider permanent birth control. More and more women like you are making the decision to have the procedure to prevent unplanned pregnancy, so they can fully enjoy their lives. They’re choosing lives without hormones or the hassle of temporary birth control methods, with the confidence of knowing that they are protected from unplanned pregnancy forever.

We offer Essure® for permanent birth control. The Essure® procedure offers women benefits that no other permanent birth control can. This simple procedure is performed in our office in a short amount of time and is surgery, hormone and anesthesia-free.

+ Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition in which tissue (endometrial lining) that normally grows inside the uterus exists outside the uterus. The endometriosis tissue grows and acts as it normally would, but because it is located outside the uterus, it does not have a way to exit the body in the same way that normal tissue inside the uterus does during menstruation. As a result there is inflammation and pain.

Symptoms of endometriosis include recurring pelvic pain, which can range from mild to severe. This can include: severe pain during menstruation, pain during intercourse, blood in the stool or painful defecation or general chronic lower back and abdominal pain.

Endometriosis can affect a women’s fertility. However, not all women with endometriosis are infertile. Women should ask their physician about endometriosis if they experience any of the above symptoms. Surgical and medical treatments can be pursued after diagnoses.

+ Gynecologic Infections - Diagnosis and Treatment

Please consult with your physician at SRB ObGyn for more information.

+ Hysterectomy

In the most basic terms, a hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. This procedure is usually a last resort for women who have tried other medical or surgical treatments for benign disease. There are different types of hysterectomies and several different methods in which these surgeries are performed.

  • Hysterectomy can be done through an open abdominal incision, laparoscopic, robotic or vaginal approach.
  • A Radical hysterectomy includes the removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic lymph nodes. This is to treat early cervical cancer.
  • A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and the cervix, but the ovaries and fallopian tubes remain.
  • A supracervical hysterectomy only removes the uterus, not the cervix.

There are alternatives to a hysterectomy. SRB ObGyn providers plan, discuss, and prepare potential hysterectomy patients thoroughly so they are fully aware of all of the options available to them.

+ Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is the inspection of the uterine cavity by endoscopy with access through the cervix. It allows for the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology and serves as a method for surgical intervention (operative hysteroscopy). There are no incisions. Risks are minimal and may include bleeding; infection; uterine perforation that may require laparoscopy, and anesthetic risks.

What can I expect? This surgery is usually performed to evaluate abnormal bleeding during a woman’s life span. Most often a D&C is performed in conjunction. This involves sampling the lining of the uterus, so that it can be evaluated under a microscope to rule out pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. It is very uncommon to experience any significant pain after this procedure and you may return to your normal activities the day following surgery.

+ Incontinence Management

Our program offers relief to women with incontinence, prolapse and pelvic pathology. In our office, patients will be evaluated, diagnosed and treated for urinary and pelvic floor problems.

+ Infertility Services

If you are having difficulty conceiving, a fertility evaluation can help determine if you are experiencing infertility. Infertility is defined as trying to conceive for more than 1 year for women under 35 years of age. For women 35 and over, infertility is defined as trying to conceive for more than 6 months without success.

A fertility evaluation typically includes a review of both partner’s medical history as well as diagnostic testing. Common female factors to consider are age, regularity of monthly menstrual cycles, ovarian reserve, uterine lining, and diseases of the reproductive tract such as endometriosis.

+ Menopause Management

Menopause is when a woman permanently stops getting her menstrual periods. It typically occurs to women in their 40s and 50s and signals the end of their fertility. When a woman hits menopause, the primary functions of the ovaries stop. The ripening of the ova (egg), the creation of the uterine lining and the subsequent shedding of the lining (period/menses) ceases.

Menopause can be an uncomfortable time for many women with symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, vaginal and urinary problems, mood swings, forgetfulness and tenderness in the breasts. There are steps we can take to help make this transition in your life more comfortable, including hormone replacement therapy.

+ Menstrual Dysfunction - PMS

Please consult with your physician at SRB ObGyn for more information.

+ Minimally Invasive Surgical Options - Laparoscopic & Robotic

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a safe and effective alternative to traditional open surgery. During MIS tiny incisions are made by the surgeon and the procedure is accomplished laparascopically or robotically, in place of what would otherwise be a large abdominal incision.

There are many benefits of minimally invasive surgery including less pain, less complications, shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times. MIS can be used to treat many conditions such as fibroids, ovarian cycsts, abnormal bleeding, endometriosis, pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse.

+ Pap Smear

A Pap smear, or Pap test, is a routine part of annual well woman exams at SRB ObGyn. Pap tests screen for abnormalities that would indicate the presence of cervical cancer. While performing a pap test, we will collect cells from a patient’s cervix, and these cells will be sent to a lab for analysis. If the lab reports that a pap test is abnormal, we will perform more tests in order to determine why the cells are exhibiting abnormalities.

Most women do not have abnormal Pap smear results, but for those who do, SRB ObGyn will take the necessary steps to determine if cells are either simply abnormal or if they are possibly cancerous. Treatment of an abnormal pap test can include: Colposcopy, cervical biopsy, or a LEEP procedure.

Another potential cause of an abnormal pap smear is HPV. The human papilloma virus has recently been linked to cervical cancer and, if present in a patient, can lead to pap abnormalities. For these reasons, SRB ObGyn highly recommends that patients under the age of 26 receive the HPV vaccine, at our practice.

Often referred to as the “common cold” of sexual activity, the HPV virus is not treatable once contracted, and it is very easily contracted via skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity. If you are interested in the HPV vaccine, or simply have questions about the HPV virus or abnormal Pap smear results, please contact a care provider at SRB ObGyn.

+ Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Please consult with your physician at SRB ObGyn for more information.

+ STD Screening

SRB ObGyn is committed to providing thorough STD testing and treatment, while maintaining the privacy of its patients at all times. Screenings for STDs may include blood tests, cultures, and a visual exam. Patients who receive a positive test result after an STD screening will be promptly informed of their diagnosis, and our specialists will determine the best possible course of treatment, if treatment is available.

STDs are caused by bacterial, parasitic, or viral infections that are spread during any form of sexual activity. Some STDs exhibit symptoms, such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Genital Warts, in which patients can experience a variety of pains, burning sensations, itching, and etc. But some STDs do not exhibit any symptoms whatsoever, and can go undetected for years if left undiagnosed. We encourage patients who believe that they have contracted an STD to schedule an appointment for a screening.

+ Other Gynecological disorders including fibroids, pelvic pain

Please consult with your physician at SRB ObGyn for more information.


Dr. Mauney discusses cervical cancer screening (commonly called pap smears) for women.

She explains how often pap smear screening is recommended based on your age and the difference between annual exams vs. pap smear testing.

SRB ObGyn Reviews
Sekine Rasner and Brock MD PA