Promoting Awareness of Domestic Violence

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, SRB & Associates wants to bring awareness to this important topic. Going beyond the physical, domestic abuse can involve emotional and verbal abuse between partners.1 in 4 women in the United States have reported experiencing domestic abuse in the past or present from a partner or spouse. Domestic abuse can have seriously detrimental effects on women. Anxiety, depression, and hypertension are just some of the side effects caused by domestic abuse. Abuse can inhibit women’s ability to combat serious illnesses, and can increase their risk of developing heart conditions, depression, and stroke.

There are many resources that can help women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Futures Without Violence has partnered with a few health centers to provide assistance and guidance to these victims of abuse. You can view Futures Without Violence’s initiative in the link provided here:

Do you feel that your health and well-being are being compromised by your relationship? Follow these steps to help you deal with such a stressful situation as this.

  1. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. He/she can help you with coping strategies, and get you on the right track towards improving your health.
  2. Write down your experiences and pain, provided you are safe.
  3. Breathe, meditate, and exercise. These will help reduce stress, improving your coping abilities.
  4. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. This resource provides 24-hour, toll free support that can provide you with housing alternatives, advice and referrals.

Domestic abuse is a serious problem that families and households across the United States face. Reaching out and getting help is the first step toward ending the cycle. For more information and resources, click the link below:


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Sekine Rasner and Brock MD PA